Gorman di Wulfe: Painting Guide
I recently blitzed some unpainted Cryx models I’d been stockpiling. Cryx is a faction I’ve had for a while, but […]
I recently blitzed some unpainted Cryx models I’d been stockpiling. Cryx is a faction I’ve had for a while, but […]
During the week Phil and I fought a 750pt game over my newly constructed battle board. The last time we played my Cryxian force got the better of his Menites, but this time I would be using my old reliable Khadorans. We rarely play 750pt games, so I took this opportunity to field eIrusk. This article provides a narrative description of the battle from Irusk’s perspective.
One of the great things about Flames of War is that all of the scenarios are objective based, meaning that […]
I finished this guy this evening and I think he turned out well. He’s consistent in colour with the Greylord […]
[flickr-gallery mode=”photoset” photoset=”72157622132975796″] My Flames of War Panzer Lehr force is growing in size, so I decided to take a […]
I had a great 750 point game against Phil’s Protectorate of Menoth force recently which I’ll post photos from in […]
The Great Bears are in many ways a very typical Khadoran unit that have several of the traditional colours you […]
Larger image on flickr.com Many people have difficulties knowing who is who in this character unit. If you have problems […]
The War Dog was an ‘in between’ project for me. I always try to have at least two different things […]
[flickr-gallery mode=”photoset” photoset=”72157621907255075″] This is the last of the three Great Bears finished (apart from basing which I’ll get to). […]
I finished the next of the Great Bears (named Yarovich) this evening. I finished Kolsk a few days ago. Just […]
My newly painted Cryxian force faced off against Phil’s Protectorate of Menoth tonight. Phil is an old hand at the […]
I’m currently basing my Cryx, but while the glue dries I’ve returned to the Great Bears of Gallowswood. I started […]
The last two weeks has been a marathon of painting. Over that time I’ve spent about 26 hours preparing and […]
The Bane Knights mark the end of my push to get Cryx miniatures painted. All that remains now is to […]