Another year, another audit. In last year’s audit I predicted I’d play more 40k, get Malifaux going again and get started with Chain of Command in 2018. I also wanted to get more terrain done, bring my Blood Angels to 100 Power, paint a Mei Feng crew and a Hunters team. Let’s see how I got on…
Hobby and Painting
This has been a good year for painting. I’ve brought the Blood Angels to well over 100 Power, adding units, characters and vehicles. I’ve also painted up some Deathwatch models (from the Overkill box, which I bought for the Genestealer Cult; and from converted Conquest models). I’ve been painting these to tabletop standard and I’m really happy with the way this force has shaped up.
I’m calling the Primaris Hellblasters done. #bloodangels #warhammer40k
— Owen Conlan (@oconlan) January 21, 2018
Blood Angels/Deathwatch Primaris Chaplain
— Owen Conlan (@oconlan) October 29, 2018
Decals drying. A little more basing detail and these Primaris Deathwatch are done.
— Owen Conlan (@oconlan) November 17, 2018
So far I’ve finished painting these guys over the Christmas break. A unit of Reivers are next for the painting table.
— Owen Conlan (@oconlan) January 1, 2019
Other than that I haven’t painted that many other models. I’ve added a squad to both my late war German and USA platoons, mostly for use in Chain of Command (an extra squad is a common and useful support option). I also painted some halftracks that I picked in a bring and buy sale in Hamburg in late 2017.
15mm M3 Halftracks… for VASSAL!
— Owen Conlan (@oconlan) June 8, 2018
I’ve actually done very well on the terrain front and it happened mostly thanks to an unexpected diversion into Kill Team. The starter, and subsequently the Sector Munitorum Killzone box, offered such lovely terrain that it was easy to satisfy this goal. I set to painting them, with the Ravenor trilogy on audiobook for company, and my Warhammer 40,000 terrain collection is looking pretty good now! This was one of my goals for this year and it has certainly been met.
Board setup for tonight’s game of #KillTeam
— Owen Conlan (@oconlan) October 14, 2018
Commanders in Kill Team
— Owen Conlan (@oconlan) November 17, 2018
I also worked on bought and assembled the lovely 15mm 4Ground WWII buildings pictured above.
On the hobbying front I’ve also worked on a VASSAL module for Chain of Command and an extension for Kill Team. They feature in several of the tweets shown in this post.
This year has been an amazing year for gaming! Kill Team took me completely by surprise and I’ve probably played over thirty games of it alone since August. It’s a fun game, with a low model count, that is played out to a satisfactory conclusion in less than an hour. It really is a good game.
Kill Team – Hawk Lords vs Genestealer Cults
— Owen Conlan (@oconlan) August 21, 2018
Fun game of #KillTeam against @redmanphill tonight. My Deathwatch narrowly beat his Genestealer Cults in the Extreme Measures (Sector Munitorum) mission.
— Owen Conlan (@oconlan) August 29, 2018
If you’ve read this blog before you’ll know that I really enjoy the narrative opportunity campaigns give, so it’s probably no surprise that I’ve had two Kill Team campaigns on the go this year. Both should conclude early in 2019, with Vigilus offering an interesting setting for future campaigns.
Kill Team – Grey Knights vs Genestealer Cults (3 Games)
— Owen Conlan (@oconlan) September 18, 2018
One of my goals for 2018 was to play Chain of Command. I’ve wanted to play it for ages and it didn’t disappoint. I thoroughly enjoyed all of the games I played of it this year (mostly on VASSAL) and I very much look forward to playing more in 2019.
15mm US Riflemen for Chain of Command #spreadthelard
— Owen Conlan (@oconlan) March 2, 2018
Assault on Abbaye de Poulet (Chain of Command; Vassal)
— Owen Conlan (@oconlan) June 3, 2018
And, you guessed it, campaign play featured heavily for Chain of Command. I wrote and ran the Tailleville Campaign, which was great fun.
Chain of Command – The Tailleville Campaign Overview
— Owen Conlan (@oconlan) June 17, 2018
An honourable mention should also go to Battlegroup. Chain of Command is aimed at infantry platoon scale games and I was interested in something that would allow for larger (e.g. company) conflicts. I only got to play it late in 2018, but I hope to play more of it in this new year.
I only started playing Warhammer 40,000 in 2017, and 2018 saw me growing by Blood Angel force and playing lots of games with them and my Genestealer Cults.
Blood Angels vs Space Sharks (50 Pwr)
— Owen Conlan (@oconlan) January 12, 2018
My Blood Angels … so far! (Video) #Warhammer40000
— Owen Conlan (@oconlan) February 28, 2018
Blood Angels vs Adeptus Mechanicus (Retrieval; 75 Pwr)
— Owen Conlan (@oconlan) May 12, 2018
Yeah, yeah, and there were 40k campaigns!
The Downfall of Syrlene XI (Warhammer 40,000 Genestealer Cults/Inquisition Fiction)
— Owen Conlan (@oconlan) January 18, 2018
Kill Team/Warhammer 40,000 Campaign: The Corruption of Benus Majoris
— Owen Conlan (@oconlan) November 6, 2018
Guild Ball remains a fantastic game, one a core focus for me, but certainly something I enjoy. I’ve played a handful of games this year and it proves to be a competitive and fun game. I anticipate more of the same in 2019.
Masons vs Farmers #guildball
— Owen Conlan (@oconlan) March 3, 2018
I only played one game of Malifaux in 2018. That was probably due to Dan (my regular opponent, now converted to Kill Team) losing some interest in it and with the announcement that the third edition of the game would be arriving in 2019.
End of 2 and Titania leads 2VP to nothing. #Malifaux
— Owen Conlan (@oconlan) January 26, 2018
I even managed a game of the new version of Saga, which remains a solid game.
Excellent game of #Saga last night… although my Irish did take a bit of a beating at the hands of the Vikings!
— Owen Conlan (@oconlan) May 10, 2018
I played my Genestealer Cult in Necromunda, which completed the skirmish set with Shadow Wars: Armageddon and Kill Team. It was a good game, obviously more detailed than Kill Team, but is something I’ll happily play opportunistically.
What does wargaming mean to me? Great friendships. Thanks for the fun game and funner (!) pints @redmanphill. #necromunda
— Owen Conlan (@oconlan) December 19, 2018
One final game that I’ve played several times this year is Gaslands. It’s an elegant game and my son loves playing it. At 7 years of age he certainly doesn’t get the nuances, but he enjoys it.
Great game of @gaslands_game with my 6yo. Watching the videos by @miniwargamerash really helped him to understand how to play. Thanks!
— Owen Conlan (@oconlan) March 24, 2018
On a related note I got to play lots of games with my kids in 2018… this is a trend I see continuing.
2019 Plans
So… how can I top 2018? Well, the truth is I probably can’t. If I managed more of the same I’d be pretty happy. What I’d like is to:
- Play more Kill Team, probably with campaigns set against the backdrop of Vigilus.
- Ditto for Warhammer 40,000.
- Expand my Genestealer Cults for Warhammer 40,000 with the releases dues early this year.
- Possibly add more terrain for 40k, if GW release some interesting kits for Urban Conflict.
- Play more WWII games – Chain of Command and Battlegroup specifically.
- See what Malifaux 3rd Edition looks like and paint my Mei Feng crew when it releases.
- Play more games with my kids.
Finally, thank you to everyone I’ve played, chatted with or who has inspired me in 2018. This hobby is a silly thing, but it’s a thing I get great enjoyment from. That enjoyment is fuelled by the people in the hobby. Thank you.
Until next time,
That’s an awesome amount of hobby Owen! A fantastic achievement. I hope all your plans for 2019 come to fruition.