So? What about my 2024 Plans
Here’s what I said I was planning to do with commentary on what I actually did (!)…
- I have a few armies I’d like to get painted: American Civil War armies for Federals and Confederates; Blood Angels for Legions Imperialis; and update my Bretonnians for The Old World reboot.
- Commentary: That’s a barely, nope and kinda! As you’ll see from the images, I got some Federals painted, but I ran out of steam on them. Not having a specific target and the fact that they’re quite time-consuming to paint, meant I stalled on that. The Blood Angels also didn’t have a specific gaming target. They’re on my painting desk now as there is a likelihood of playing LI soon! I did a lot of work on my Bretonnians and have fielded them several ties this year. I didn’t add two units (Questing Knights and more Men-at-Arms) I’d planned to, but that’s okay.
- I’d like to play some Warhammer: The Old World!
- Commentary: Done! I played a good bit and have appetite to play more. It’s a really good game.
- Continue running WFRP… hopefully starting The Enemy Within campaign.
- Commentary: Partially done. We rounded out the second Season of WFRP and I have seeded the start of The Enemy Within. Life happened and the ability of our group to get together has been impacted for the moment. Hopefully we’ll return to it this year. That said, 2024 was great for roleplaying – I ran plenty of Imperium Maledictum and Call of Cthulhu, so I’m really enjoying RPGs!
- Continue playing wargames with Ciarán, making sure we get good milage out of our existing forces.
- Commentary: Yup! We’ve played lots of game this year. It’s been very successful there – Ciarán is enjoying it, as am I. It’s great to have a live in opponent!
- Play more baordgames with my family.
- Commentary: Nope! We’re still not good at carving time out for this. It’s really a time issue…
And for Ciarán:
- Play more Kill Team
- Commentary: Yeah, he’s playing KT and has introduced a few friends to the game.
- … more Blitz Bowl …
- Commentary: Kinda, we did some early in the year, but other games took over.
- … and paint some more Necrons!
- Commentary: Kinda… he painted some, but again other games took over.
What else happened in 2024?
Well… the formation of a wargames club nearby is probably the most significant thing. That has led to me playing in a Necromunda campaign, something I wouldn’t have anticipated at the start of the year, but it’s been great. It features in a lot of the photos above.
Saga was also an unexpected feature of 2024. It was the chosen game for Geekend 2024. I finished up my Irish for it and it was a great weekend of wargaming.
I also finished my Death Guard Legions Imperialis force and worked on some terrain. I haven’t played it yet, but I have firm plans to!
Stargrave… Ciarán and I played a good bit of Stargrave! He picked up a crew and go them painted too.
I also built up a small British Napoleonics force. This really wasn’t planned, but I got into a groove painting them and they came together quickly late in the year.
2025 Plans
Increasingly I realise making a plan is a little folly… this is down to something I’ve talked about before. Specifically it’s god to do with Opportunity. As a social hobby wargaming works best when you have comrades who are rowing in the same direction. In 2024 I was adaptive to the direction people were going and that has led to lots of fun games. It doesn’t mean I can’t make plans, but it means I have to accept that circumstances often take over and alter them! All that being said, here are the plans for 2025:
- Kriegspiel: The Spanish Ulcer
- Phil and Steve are fighting over Galicia in 1808. I’m acting as GM for this. I’m not sure it’ll lead me to paint more models, but it should be fun.
- Warhammer 40,000 Slow Grow
- I’m hoping to run a 500pts – 750pts – 1000pts slow grow for 40k in the club. I’ll use my Orks. I have some on the desk ready to paint.
- Decimation of Beta-Garmon II
- I think I have most of the models needed for this LI/AT weekend. I want to finish off my terrain and work on some Blood Angels. Not for the weekend, more to make a start on a companion force. I’ll probably paint a titan to go with them.
- ShatterPoint
- Ciarán got ShatterPoint for Christmas, so I’ll support him in getting those done.
- The rest?
- Who knows… I still have the epic scale ACW models that need some attention, but I need the headspace for those.
2024 was a great year for gaming. 2025 is shaping up to be too!
Until next time,