This time out my corrupted Enforcers are attacking Luke’s Van Saars. This was a beautiful game with full painted gangs on fully painted terrain. It was the full Necromunda experience.

As the name of the scenario suggested, I was quite sneaky with my tactic card choices. I went with Informant, Excellent Recon, and Bait and Switch. My main objective was to defile a relic belonging to the Van Saars. To do that, I used Informant to reposition the model protecting it, infiltrated my captain and then gave him an extra activation when the time came with Bait and Switch.
From then it was a game of attrition, but my dice luck was strong and some Van Saars dropped early. My captain and my Shock Stave wielding patrolman took two models out of action each. Luke used a tactic to close and lock all doors, which hampered us both for the remainder of the game. A pivotal fight happened in a doorway, with most of my gang trying to get past one of his champions. I flesh wounded him a couple of times, but his armour deflected a lot of shots!
I also managed to capture one of his guys, so I foresee a Rescue mission in our future.

I opened three loot caskets during the game, but only netted 15 credits from them. Thankfully, my post game rolls were good. One of my patrolmen was upgraded to a specialist, my captain is +1 T and a couple of guys are not carrying boltguns!
Until next time,